Nashina Merani

Nashina Merani


Medical Aesthetician - skincare and skin health

Why did you decide to volunteer to teach the Free To Be program? 

I've personally struggled with body image and self image for many years. It's something that never fully goes away but I've found so much comfort in recognizing what's real and what isn't as far as media and magazines. What is healthy vs. what may not be for my mind, body and spirt. I love the philosophy and the message Free To Be is so passionate driven to deliver with kindness, education, and most important open communication!

What gets you excited to jump out of bed in the morning?

Making someone's day in the smallest or biggest way. I like what my own gratitude and appreciate for life can fuel for another :)

What is something you are proud of? 

My 14 year old son. He's definitely been life's most beautiful lesson. And the learning is FAR from over and I'm loving it. Going back to school at 36 is also something I'm immensely proud of. 

In your mind what is the most important thing that Free To Be teaches?

That's a tough one... I think I'd have to sum it up in 2 amazing powerful words: SELF LOVE

If you could go back and give your 12-year old self a piece of advice, what would it be?

Oh gosh! I'd tell myself I'm enough. As is. The greatest gift I can give myself.