Free To Be is a research-backed positive body image program for youth in grades five to eight. Free To Be empowers boys and girls to reach their full potential by developing media literacy awareness, cultivating individual and group strengths, building resilience to social pressures that impact body image and nurturing a positive social environment.
Free to be workshops
We have many different ways you can implement and be a part of Free To Be Talks.
Find the option that is right for you.
become a trained facilitator
Facilitate Free To Be in your school, household, or community!
workshops for all ages
Access resources that are relevant to kids, teens and parents.
learning outcomes
Understand and explain the impact of appearance pressures
Identify messages that reinforce and maintain appearance pressures
Reflect on personal experiences where happiness and confidence was not contingent on appearance
Understand the extent to which images in traditional and social media are changed
Identify problems that arise from viewing manipulated images
Describe and develop healthy coping strategies for bad body image days
Demonstrate body image flexibility by identifying multiple ways, different bodies have positive and diverse capabilities
Identify strengths and internal characteristics students like about themselves
Identify activities and values, not based on appearance, that are important to them
Formulate plans of how to encourage a positive body image with their peers
Explain and identify common stereotypes
Understand the negative impact of constraining stereotypes
Develop counter-narratives to common stereotypes
Identify creative ways to respond to stereotypes in social situations
Develop and create a plan for social change related to body image and material covered in program
Identify a future version of themselves, which they admire, not based on appearance
become a trained facilitator
Here’s what you’ll get in the online training:
Learn current in-depth negative and positive body image research and related topics that support the program
Deepen your understanding of social media, technology, and the developing teenage brain.
Become equipped with supporting resources and information to successfully facilitate 6 sessions of Free To Be and to make the program as relevant and applicable as possible for your audience
Develop in-depth knowledge of program goals and objectives and how to ensure success with diverse groups/classrooms.
Know how to successfully respond to FAQs made by youth and support for themes and observations we have gathered from the 2500 students who have completed the program.
*You can revisit any of the videos and resources any time as everything is housed in the Online Members Area.
Thanks to our incredible partners we are able to increase accessibility of the program with a lower cost for the 2019-2020 school year. IF YOUR COMPANY IS INTERESTED IN helping kids have increased access to FREE TO BE CLICK HERE.
2 Year Licence
Classroom Facilitator or Parent Program
25 page Student Activity Booklet where students complete diverse application activities that include role-playing, letter writing, journaling and positive activism activities among others.
45 page comprehensive and scripted Facilitator Manual for successful delivery of the program - (6 - 60 minute lessons - for a total of 6 hours)
15 Page Parent Workbook PDF package answering common questions, roadblocks with your children, and questions they may ask you. (Parent Program ONLY)
Visually stimulating PowerPoint presentation to aid a deeper understanding of the material.
Downloadable surveys to gather feedback from students on program to enhance delivery and engagement.
Access to 10 online informative and research-based training modules (1 hour 40 minutes) you can complete at your own pace.
Access to informative and helpful supplementary educational resources to deepen conversations as you facilitate the program.
On-going support for facilitation.
* The 2 year license ensures you receive the most up-to-date editions of Free To Be. When your renewal time comes there is, you will be sent an application form. There are no additional fees to renew the license after 2 years.
workshops & talks for all ages
Free to Be's program material is highly relevant to kids, teens and adults, and can be adapted accordingly.
Founder of Free To Be Talks, Renae provides highly interactive, visually engaging and age appropriate presentations.
workshops & talks for all ages
Student Talks
Our most frequently requested 60 - 75 minute student talk includes topics of:
Exploring appearance pressures & discussions around to balance wanting to be attractive and cultivate one’s whole self;
Growing awareness of media manipulation;
Uncovering the explicit and implicit ideas in media messages;
Arming oneself with practical tools and strategies to become a happy and thriving person now, irrespective of one’s appearance.
Our most frequently requested parent talk includes topics of:
The myriad of factors that impact a person’s developing body image (with an emphasis on youth);
Building emotional resilience: how to effectively connect and address the underlying issues of statements such as, "I feel fat" and "I'm so ugly";
Understanding social media and online gaming and the impact this has on our sense on self, body image and the developing brain;
Exploring how media manipulation and media messages contribute to core belief systems;
Uncovering practical tools to prevent negative body image and instil confidence, vitality and resilience with a positive body image (helpful for both your child and personal growth);
Q & A period of time.