Hillary McBride

Hillary McBride

Hillary McBride is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a private practice in Vancouver, BC. She is also a PhD candidate in Counselling Psychology ay UBC. Hillary writes a monthly column called 'the feminist therapist' and has a book being released in October 2017 titled "mothers, daughters, and body image: Learning to love ourselves as we are" - available now for pre-sale on Amazon. She recently won the prestigious International Young Investigators award in Sexual Health, and her work has been recognized by the Canadian Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association. She has recovered from an eating disorder, and dreams of a world in which all people can exist without shame for who they are. For more about Hillary, have a look at her website: www.hillarylmcbride.com,  on twitter @hillarylmcbride, on Instagram: hillaryliannamcbride