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Giulia Halkier


Life & Wellness Coach

Leadership & Development, lululemon athletic

Spin Instructor @ Ride Cycle Club

Why did you decide to volunteer to teach the Free To Be program? 

I decided to volunteer to teach Free To Be because I feel deeply connected to the message that we are teaching. I am extremely passionate about supporting young women and men to establish a positive self image and I wish I had the opportunity to go through a program like this in my adolescence.

What gets you excited to jump out of bed in the morning?

The opportunity to fulfill my passion and live into my strengths! I am deeply connected to being a teacher and leader that can help facilitate change and be a vehicle of inspiration for others. My purpose is to support others in leading a life that they are deeply connected to, one that excites and fulfills them. Whether it be facilitating personal development training at lululemon, supporting clients to find their light and achieve true bliss through my life and wellness coaching, or instructing people to reach new physical goals at ride cycle club - I feel extremely grateful to be living the life that I do, doing what I love every day.

What is something you are proud of?

I am proud of the work that I do, and my passion for supporting others. I am proud of myself for overcoming an eating disorder, anxiety and depression, and having the strength and passion to support others in learning through my own experiences. I am proud of getting up every day knowing exactly what I am going to create in this life, and the difference I want to make in the lives of others. 

In your mind what is the most important thing that Free To Be teaches?

I don't think there is just one thing. This program is incredible. It's exactly what I needed growing up, and so important in this impressionable time of a teens life. I am so excited to be able to facilitate this program, and eagerly awaiting the feedback from our students. 

If you could go back and give your 12-year old self a piece of advice, what would it be?

Focus on what makes you happy and not on what you think makes others happy. You have exactly what you need within you and you can do anything you set your mind to. Listen to what you want, live your strengths and pursue what lights you up! You will find all the answers within you so embrace that power and that lights make you shine!