frequently asked questions

What is the difference between the Free to Be Program (6 - 1 hour sessions) and Student Talk (1-1.5 hour)?

The Free To Be program is an engaging and interactive program designed for students in grades 5-8. A trained facilitator presents material and facilitates discussion and activities of the session topics.

A student activity booklet accompanies the program where students complete a variety of activities (e.g. journaling, letter writing, role-play, drawing etc.)

For the final session the students create and present a group project based on the learning outcomes of the program. Feedback from the students has revealed this to be a highly meaningful and fun activity!

Our Student Talk is generally 1-1.5 hour and can be tailored to address the teachers or grade’s specific interests or needs. Our most frequently requested talk tends to include topics of: Appearance pressures, media manipulation, media message (in traditional and social media), and practical tools and strategies to become a happy and thriving person.


What grades is the program for? Can you accommodate split grade classes?

The program is designed for students in Grades 5-8. We can accommodate split classes, as long as the lower grade is not below grade 5.


How long is your presentation?

The Free To Be Program sessions are 1 hour each, over 6 sessions. We recommend the program is run 2x a week over 3 weeks or 1x a week for 6 weeks.

Student Talks are 1 time visit and can be tailored for a specific topic.


Can you present to more than one class at a time?

If you are interested in the full Free To Be program we recommend one class at at time up to 30 students.


Can you present to a large group of students?

Our experience has revealed that presenting the Free To Be program to more than 30 students isn’t as meaningful experience for the students as they tend to have less time to discuss their ideas and present their projects/activities.

We are happy to accomodate a large group of students if you are interested in a Student Talk.


Is there a cost?

Fortunately, for the Free To Be program due generous sponsorship and donations we have been able to keep the costs low so the program is highly affordable and accessible.

If you have specific financial concerns, please contact us as we passionate about ensuring students are able to receive the skills and tools from Free To Be.