Bridgette Clare
RHN and Co-founder Third Base Co.
Why did you decide to volunteer to teach the Free To Be program?
As a woman, I understand body image pressures. Knowing how much a program like this would have benefitted me when I was younger, when the opportunity to be a part of a program that encourages positive body image, media literacy and advocacy came up, I knew I had to be a part of it.
What gets your excited to jump out of bed in the morning?
In practicing gratitude, I've learned that if I wake up with air in my lungs, and my heart beating, that's a reason to jump out of bed with excitement. That and knowing I have an amazing dog (Gracie) to walk gets me pretty pumped up for the day. .
What is something you are proud of?
I'm extremely proud of the relationships I have; with my family, husband, friends, business partner, and work family. These people are my crew, my tribe, and I'm proud to be a part of these relationships.
In your mind what is the most important thing that Free To Be teaches?
Gratitude and acceptance, for yourself and others.
If you could go back and give your 12-year old self a piece of advice, what would it be?
Listen to your Momma. When she told you to "get out of the mirror and into the world", she was right.